1984 Andrew, Ricky (Can be contacted via sisters), Nicole ‘90 nangel2283@aol.com or 1984 Favreau, Dorothy (Lorenzini) E-mail: hdlorenzini@email.com (updated 12/00) 1984 Fontaine, Paul E-mail: fontaine@providence.edu (updated 11/00) 1984 Frye, Susan (Benoit) (attended 83-84) E-mail: essebenoit@imsday.com (updated 11/99) 1984 Gohata, Johhny (attended 81-84) E-mail: JGohata@excite.com (added 01/00) 1984 Hill, Leroy E-mail: hilltop_28216@yahoo.com (added 11/00) 1984 Pagniano, Bill “Martin” E-mail: martinpagniano@hotmail.com (added 11/00) 1984 Plate, Stephanie (Frazier as of 06/28/03) E-mail: splate@newnetworkx.com (added 03/03) 1984 Telenko, Troy (attended 81-84) E-mail: troy_telenko@yahoo.com (updated 11/01)